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Re-ordering Cycles & Weeks
Re-ordering Cycles & Weeks

You can drag-and-drop Cycles and Weeks in a Plan to reorder them

Matt Richards avatar
Written by Matt Richards
Updated over 6 years ago

Activities on calendars in Sixcycle can optionally be associated with Plans, which allows calendars to be filtered by Plan. When modifying a Plan by reordering Cycles within the Plan, or weeks within a Cycle, this association between Activities and Plans also allows Sixcycle to automatically reschedule Activities to match the new Cycle/week order. 

To reorder the Cycles within a Plan simply click and hold on the Cycle, then drag it to its new position in the Plan. When you do this, the Activities associated with your Plan will be rescheduled to match the new Cycle order. 

To reorder weeks with a Cycle, click on the Cycle to open the Cycle panel, then click and hold the left side of the week you'd like to reorder, and drag it to it's new position within the Cycle panel. When you do this, the Activities associated with your Plan will be rescheduled to match the new Cycle order.

Reordered but Activities didn't get rescheduled? 

If you have reordered a Cycle or week and your Activities did not get rescheduled, they were not associated with the Plan that was modified. To check which Plan an Activity is associated with open the Activity by double-clicking it, then scroll to the bottom of the Activity where you will see the Author, Source and Plan Association. 

Can't reorder? 

If you are unable to drag and drop Cycles or weeks in a Plan, it may be that the Plan is being sync'ed from a Group, and is thus locked. Click the name of the Plan on the left side of the Timeline to open the Plan Panel, where you can uncover the source of the plan and whether it is locked. 

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